Friday, August 28, 2009

Random Pictures

Here are some more pics, not from anything special. Enjoy!

Eli's girlfriend

Eli has a new friend named Natalie. She is the daughter of a girl I go to school with and too cute! We took them to the zoo the other day and they had to much fun. Eli calls her At-a-ie. They play so well together and Eli has asked about her everyday this week. It is so nice to have such a nice zoo so close. Eli loves the animals and it wears him out so he sleeps well (which mommy likes!) We fed the giraffes for the first time. Eli held the cracker out and let them take it from his hand, which he immediately pull back so the giraffes didnt nibble on his fingers. It was fun (not really worth the cost of $1/cracker, but oh well).

It's Rainin'

Eli LOVES the rain. He knows when it is raining and tells you (800 times). He enjoys jumping in the puddles and making a splash. He has learned what an umbrella is and how to use it and he thinks it is so much fun to use. Its so cute to see him looking out the window watching the rain. I took this video one afternoon after he got home from daycare....enjoy!

Air Show

Every summer there is an air show in Dayton. We were fortunate this year to go with my aunt Gina and my cousins, Sam and Daniel. Eli loves airplanes and really enjoyed the show. It was loud at times but he didn't seem to care at all. We got to climb in some planes and look around as well as enjoyed a cool reinactment of Pearl Harbor. It was a beautiful day and we had a great time.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Sick Baby

We had a scare Thursday night from the little man. He was doing ok after I picked him up from school, we went to the park then home for dinner. I left for work and he was ok. Dad called me at work (very strange for me to get calls at work so I knew something was up) and proceded to tell me that mom heard E making a lot of noise on the monitor and went up to check on him. He was having a lot of trouble breathing so she woke him up. I immediately left work and raced home. He was struggling pretty hard and breathing really fast. We took him up to Children's Hospital and ended up having to stay the night. Eli was diagnosed with croup. He has to have 2 breathing treatments and 2 doses of a super strong steroid. They admitted him for observation over night. Needless to say it was a long night. He was such a trooper and is doing SO much better now. He stayed home today for an extra day of rest (and he had a fever). We will see what tomorrow brings, hopefully he will be well enough for school.

No new pics right now but here is one from 1 year ago today....He has changed so much!

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Bed and Books

So Eli has been in a big boy bed for a couple weeks now. He is doing really well staying in his bed. He stays in his bed after I say goodnight and doesn't get out until the morning when he plays or knocks on his door (from the inside) until we get him.

Tonight Eli decided to keep his new Thomas book (he LOVES trains). When I went in to check on him about an hour later this is what I found......


A couple weeks back Eli and I met our friends Lauren and Connor at the zoo. We had so much fun I went ahead and got a pass. We went back last week with my mom (mama in Eli language). Eli is recognizing and saying the names of new animals everyday. So far he has mastered cow, pig, horse, bear, cat, dog, duck,and fish. I am sure there are more but I can't think of them.
He loves riding the carousel and the train. Feeding the goats is also very exciting.
Here are a few pics from the visit last week!